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Lewis Meltz, DC, FACO, Board Certified Chiropractor in El Dorado Hills, CA (916) 933-2707

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

O.K. So Here's #5 of 100 Ways To Better Health:


Limit your intake of processed and packaged convenience foods, canned goods, frozen dinners, refrigerated, and dried snack foods. 

What you regularly eat can greatly affect your health and your well-being because of it's calorie density. Scientific studies have shown time and again that choosing healthy foods can reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. The commercial food processing alters the natural components of the foods, which make it less beneficial to the body. The use of chemicals to preserve, control and enhance  the flavor in addition to the color of your favorite foods can be more damaging than you know... especially to the different systems of your body than they do to enhance your health. First of all, choose foods with a low Glycemic Index (or "low GI").  Sorry, but there's really only a few foods to be concerned about. High fructose corn syrup and ones with added sugar, of course each have a high GI, as does white or wheat bread, most cold cereals, as well as  watermelon, pineapple,  and baked potatoes.  Here's a good rule of thumb, eat only regional fruits and vegetables that are in season... because they're closest to the calorie needs of where you are. ...and that's why mangos and bananas don't grow in Sacramento!

A healthy diet can help prevent cancer, since up to 60 percent of cancer cases are diet-related. Healthy foods can also help you maintain a healthy weight. So what type of diet is best  for disease prevention and to maintain a healthy weight? The best diet is one that you can stick with for life. A healthy diet is also a lifestyle, not a fad that's dangerous or difficult to maintain. Eating a low-fat, plant-based diet rich in whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables and meat... just a few times a week is the best way to prevent disease and increase the chances of a long productive and healthy future. 

Because what you do between the ages of 35 to 55 will dictate the quality of your life from 60 years and beyond.

At The Joint - Renaissance Creek "Our mission is to improve quality of life through routine and affordable chiropractic care."

O.K. So Here's #6a of 100 Ways To Better Health:

Consider eating whole foods as your first choice, and as often as you can.

You see, whole foods are packed with nutrients having all their natural compounds intact. And the best part, they're not processed or refined. They don't contain added chemicals such as flavorings, food colors, preservatives, and who knows what else in the form of "fillers." 

So start eating whole foods by adding slices of fresh fruits and vegetables to each and every meal when ever you can.  

Let's talk about Macronutrients. These include "Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats."

Each are essential for health, growth, healing, and immune function. Here's the thing... too little or too much of any of these macronutrients may result in poor health and a variety of other diseases.

In the past, research on nutrition and disease often times focused only on the problems caused by diets stemming from chronic malnutrition, you know, not enough to eat, and the steps leading to starvation.  But these days, eating TOO MUCH has become a far greater threat to worldwide health in both developed countries, , and in many developing nations as well.

First, there's protein...

Red meat, poultry, fish and vegetable sources support the growth and ongoing maintenance of the body. Once digested, the amino acids that make up proteins become the building blocks your body relies on to replenish DNA, it's essential to the structure and regeneration of red blood cells, for the proper functioning of antibodies resisting infection, for the regulation of enzymes and hormones, for the growth and for the repair of body tissue, cell membranes, brain chemicals, and many other molecules in the body.

Protein when needed, is an emergency reserve of energy... and is the second largest source of stored energy, second only to fat cells  Because of the large amount of skeletal muscle... it's a steady and reliable source of amino acids when there's not been enough in your diet over several weeks or months. 

Though there's some debate regarding protein intake requirements, the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) suggests that protein should make up between 10-35% of a person’s daily caloric intake.

For example, the BMR of a 6 foot tall 180-pound male who's sedentary, (which means little to no exercise) is 1,586 calories a day.  Whereas the same size man with an Extra Active Lifestyle — very hard exercise or sports 6 - 7 days/week uses 3,500 calories a day.  The first man would need at least 40 grams of protein each day just to sleep and breath. And in broader terms the second man would need as much as 300 grams of protein every day in order to remain the same weight.  

And for you women don't feel left out...

The calorie needs of a sedentary woman who's 40 years old and stands 5'5" tall and weighs 150 pounds needs 1,423 calories each day just to sleep and wake-up, (that's her BMR) and to fuel her day-to-day activity she needs 43 grams of protein a day... Whereas the same woman who leads an extra active lifestyle exercising and playing sports daily burns 2,705 calories and would need 237 grams of protein a day. And if one ounce equals 28.3 grams...

Then she'd need about 8.35 ounces of protein a day.

Other sources of protein include whole grains, rice, corn, beans, oatmeal, peas, and peanut butter. For vegetarians, vegans or those who do not eat meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products, it's important to eat a variety of these other foods in order to get enough protein.

In the next video, I'll share with your the importance of good fats in your diet.

At The Joint - Renaissance Creek "Our mission is to improve quality of life through routine and affordable chiropractic care."  

At The Joint - Renaissance Creek "Our mission is to improve quality of life through routine and affordable chiropractic care." 





Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Here's #3 of 100- Ways To Better Health

O.K. Here's #3 of 100- Ways To Better Health: 


Be conscious of how much salt you take in with snacks and meals. Common table salt is sodium chloride which is widely used as a flavor enhancer.  Don't be fooled by the terms Sea Salt, Pink Himalayan or Kosher Salt because it's still sodium chloride. Try limiting your sodium intake first by avoiding the salt shaker at your table.  By simply reducing your consumption of added salt, and then other salty foods... you'll be well on your way to being "salt-free."  If you can, avoid the option of a salt substitute like potassium chloride.  Sodium is a necessary nutrient, but we only need about 500 milligrams of it a day. And an optimal intake is no more than 1,500 milligrams, Yet, many nutritionists believe that 1/4 of a teaspoon is ideal for most folks. That works out to be 3 or 4 shakes of the salt shaker, give or take. So, how much is 1,500 mg of Salt? It's 3/4 Tsp. According to health experts sodium or salt free means less than 5mg per serving. Very low sodium or salt means 35mg of salt per serving. Low sodium means 140 mg per serving, and light in sodium means 50% less sodium than the reference amount. Unfortunately, the average person now consumes more than 4,000 milligrams of sodium per day!

Why Keep Salt Intake Low?

A high–sodium diet is linked to high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. Also, sodium can damage bone health, since people on a high–sodium diet lose more calcium in their urine leading to osteopenia.

Will Food Still Taste Good?

Many people love salty food and fear that low–salt meals will not be as enjoyable. But if you give your taste buds time to adjust to less salt and learn new ways to flavor food, you will find that low–salt meals can be as delicious as they are healthy.

At The Joint - Renaissance Creek "Our mission is to improve quality of life through routine and affordable chiropractic care." 




Here's #4 of 100 Ways To Better Health

O.K. So Here's #4 of 100 Ways To Better Health:

Stay away from buffet or all-you-can-eat meals because it will likely tempt you to eat way too much... Just to get every dime's worth that you've paid for... or more.  You know that many people are hooked on unhealthy foods ranging from chocolate... to cheese. You may not be alone here. To some people, chocolate is an occasional treat. But for a true chocolate addict, it's a deep-seated need.  You probably know someone who has a serious food addiction that they're trying to overcome but don't know how... or where to start.

Research shows that sound diet and lifestyle changes can break these stubborn craving cycles. Evidence also suggests that a major portion of our current lifestyle disease epidemics of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and other health problems are, in fact, nothing more than the natural outcomes caused by decades of food habits that exert their debilitating effects on you year after year.

In the book, Breaking the Food Seduction: The Hidden Reasons Behind Food Cravings - and Seven Steps to End Them Naturally, the author outlines a pathway for conquering those unhealthy addictions. Also, fascinating insights into the chemical reasons behind cravings, and important advice on how to halt kids' sugar cravings, Breaking the Food Seduction also offers these three simple steps to break food craving cycles:

1. Start with a good breakfast. Cutting hunger is the first step in cutting cravings.

2. Choose foods that stabilize your blood sugar. Beans, green vegetables, fruit, and whole grains help prevent blood sugar dips that can lead to cravings.

3. Each day eat at least 10 calories per pound of your ideal body weight.  This tip is directed at calorie-cutting dieters who don't  realize that, if they eat too little, their bodies stop making an appetite-controlling hormone called leptin. A person whose ideal weight is 150 pounds needs to consume at least 1,500 calories per day, and probably much more.  In other words, give yourself permission to eat.

Go for nutritious foods such as fresh fruits, vegetable salads and lower fat foods the next time you find yourself staring down the gauntlet of a buffet line. So stand firm, and resist your craving to refill your plate for the second, third or fourth time... and go down that line just once. 

At The Joint - Renaissance Creek "Our mission is to improve quality of life through routine and affordable chiropractic care."




Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Here's #2 of 100 Ways To Better Health

O.K. So Here's #2 of 100 Ways To Better Health:

Maintain a well balanced diet for a healthy living. As you know, a well balanced diet means eating different kinds of nutritious foods in measured portions. An easy way to make sure your meals are more healthful is to fill your plate with brightly colored fruits, vegetables, berries and beans. Expand your horizons by trying out one unfamiliar fruit or vegetable each week.  A colorful plate looks beautiful, and the hues in fruits, vegetables, and different kinds of beans are an indicator of the high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and disease–fighting phytochemicals found in these foods. This includes red, yellow, orange, blue, purple and green ones.  It will boost your energy and will improve your welfare. Too much as well as not enough of specific vitamins, proteins, and minerals can also cause undesirable effects making it difficult to maintain your health.  Let's just say a burger, fries, and a soda at lunch simply isn't enough.

At The Joint - Renaissance Creek "Our mission is to improve quality of life through routine and affordable chiropractic care."




Monday, May 29, 2017

Here's #1 of 100 Ways To Better Health

O.K. So Here's #1 of 100 Ways To Better Health:

Breakfast is the most vital meal. It shouldn't be missed in order to refuel your body from functional metabolic changes and repair that occur during long hours of sleep. It's best to include complex carbohydrates,(not simple ones) along with a variety of fats, like (nuts, olive oil or avocados) and proteins. Depending on your preference whether gluten free, soy free, or vegan... for ideal well balanced nutrition such combinations as fresh fruits, whole grain breads, nuts, and whole grain breakfast cereals with perhaps a whole milk dairy product such as kefir, yogurt or certified raw milk or other protein is the best way to recharge in the morning.

At The Joint - Renaissance Creek "Our mission is to improve quality of life through routine and affordable chiropractic care."


